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About Dataset The data was collected and made available by “National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases” as part of the Pima Indians Diabetes Database. Several constraints were placed on the selection of these instances from a larger database. In particular, all patients here belong to the Pima Indian heritage (subgroup of Native Americans), and are females of ages 21 and above. We’ll be using Python and some of its popular data science related packages. First of all, we will import pandas to read our data from a CSV file and manipulate it for further use. We will also use numpy to convert out data into a format suitable to feed our classification model. We’ll use seaborn and matplotlib for visualizations. We will then import Logistic Regression algorithm from sklearn. This algorithm will help us build our classification model. Lastly, we will use joblib available in sklearn to save our model for future use.

  • Date:25/12/2018 09:00 PM
  • Location Madrid, España (Map)


Implement Logistic Regression ( LR ) and K-Nearest Neighbor ( KNN ) classifiers¶
Logistic regression classifier